Brian Tseng, founder of STR Network and 23 Comedy, is a leading figure in Taiwanese comedy. In 2023, His comedy special, “BALLBREAKER,” not only embarked on a 21-show world tour, marked the first-ever all-Chinese comedy special at the Laugh Factory, but also set a record with 13,000 attendees at the Taipei Arena. In 2024, the stand-up comedy world tour “Storm in a Bubble Tea Cup” by Brian Tseng and Hello-Hor, not only performed in 15 cities but also held two shows at Taipei Arena with a total 20,000 people in attendance.

Brian’s achievements also include being the first Taiwanese comedian to appear on Comedy Central Asia. Additionally, he hosts a YouTube channel with 700k subscribers and a podcast with 170k listeners per episode, showcasing his wide-reaching influence in the comedy scene.


STR Network 薩泰爾娛樂及23喜劇俱樂部創辦人,也是台灣喜劇界第一把交椅。2023年博恩開始中文喜劇世界巡迴《破蛋者》,全世界一共演出21場,不僅於台北小巨蛋締造13,000人次進場紀錄,更創下國際喜劇俱樂部 Laugh Factory 首次全中文喜劇專場演出紀錄。2024年與喜劇演員賀瓏共同演出中文喜劇世界巡迴《賀博台瘋》,全世界演出15場,更首度跨足歐洲演出。創下台北小巨蛋連續兩天共計17000人次進場觀看單口喜劇的紀錄。


博恩除了是首位登上Comedy Central Asia的台灣喜劇演員,他的YouTube頻道訂閱數已超過70萬,並且在他主持的Podcast《博音》已達到每集超過13,000下載量的紀錄,在在顯示了他在中文喜劇的影響力。